Peter Land I New video works
Peter Land (b. 1966, Denmark) walks through his exhibition and tells about his two new video works.
Land has been represented by the gallery since its inception in 1993. Working in a variety of medium, Land’s practice explores archetypical representations of masculinity and identity—performative and otherwise. Often using himself and his body as a vehicle for these ideas within the work, Land puts forward increasingly relevant questions and thematics for us, the viewer, to examine and perhaps to answer.
With the new video works shown in the exhibition, Land steps out from behind the camera. An intentional choice to instead use stock imagery and sound creates an eerily familiar—yet dissociative—sensation. Stock images are generic visual materials specifically made to be used in commercials, business presentations and other forms of advertisement. For Land, these stock images function as readymades. In his hands, the seemingly never-ending feeling of these clips being played back-to-back creates the feeling of our being swept up in this loop.
Filmed and edited by Andreas Rosforth.