Sirens of Chrome (2010)
RED transferred to Blu-ray, color, sound, 12’38”
Four African-America women are travelling through the cityscape of downtown Detroit by car, sitting in silence, passing through the urban decay of the world’s once leading automotive capital. The women in the car seem disintrested and impassionate about their surroudnigns and each other, unaffected by what and where they are heading. Simulteanously, a fifth character – likewise an African-American woman, is pacing nervously outside an isolated doorway. The relationship between the woman in the doorway and the women in the car is unclear. While they are eventually intended to interact in the capacity of audience and performer, spectators and spectacle, the obligations and expectatiosn of both parties will remain ambiguous and interchanging until the very end.
Thematically and visually, the scene begins to form a space that seems to parody the classical auto show exhibition. The pacing woman likewise appears to toy with the image and identity of the great American auto vehicle, representing yet negating its danger and sexual allure, its soberness and reliability.